
Neve 1073 preamp guitar center used
Neve 1073 preamp guitar center used

This GroupDIY thread talks a bit about the gain staging: It might be worth trying that for a smoother-sounding overdrive sound. It looks like the 1073 uses 2x BA284 stages, the first of which feeds into the second at higher gain switch settings. You should be able to see the rotary gain switch wiring w/resistors a lot more easily on the AML schem, which I couldn't figure out for the life of me on the original Neve block version. Analog Classics ez1290 (1073 w/o EQ or Line input). DON Classics NV73 (also has transistor reference voltages). I find it difficult to read the old Neve schematics that use letters & subcircuit blocks, but fortunately a lot of clone versions have schems that are easier to read.

neve 1073 preamp guitar center used

That also might be causing your sudden clipping. A big supply voltage change like that has probably affected the transistor biasing, but can be adjusted with some resistor value changes. I wonder if you need to check the sim on +24V to compare the collector & emitter currents to the +9V version.

neve 1073 preamp guitar center used


Love this idea! I'm also in to adapting pro audio & synth builds for guitar, and it can definitely be a challenge to change the supply voltage, especially on finely tuned circuits like Class A amplifiers. Avoid the insanely complicated Sensitivity switch (it's the input gain control, which sweeps all the way from mic to line level).Yes I know, everyone says the transformers are a big part of the sound, but I don't care what everyone says, cause proper Neve style transformers are really expensive and large, and I'm not making an overdrive / fuzz pedal with really expensive studio grade transformers known for their low distortion Maybe include some EQ from the Neve, but simplified to keep it pedal friendly.Preferably running at 9v, but I can live with something larger using a charge pump (the Neve runs at 24V).Modify / abuse a Neve preamp so it can be a fuzz or overdrive.I ended up making one of these and boxing it up, and it's pretty cool. On the upside, it did get me interested in what other preamps were out there, and I had much better luck with the Revox A77, which is the same as a Trident A-Range mic preamp. I will try the other amplifier sections and see if I have better luck with that. Came close, but just not worth spending any more time on. Long story short - I couldn't come up with something that I was happy with using the mic preamp stage, so I have walked away from this one for the moment.

neve 1073 preamp guitar center used

Some people do like them, and I'm sure good recordings have been made with Vintech pres, just as you could say about almost any preamp.I kind of went down the Neve rabbit hole with this post, looking at how the channel amplifier works and trying to use the one of the preamp stages as a fuzz / overdrive. Calling these "clones" would be quite a stretch of the imagination. I would NOT suggest the Vintech stuff if you want a true clone. Avedis - This guy is nuts about anything Neve, a gifted designer, and could be trusted to emulate that sound with his designs. GTQ2 owners, many of them top engineers, love these things. He states clearly that he's not looking to nail the classic Neve sound, but take it a step further. Aurora GTQ2 - Tanner's evolution of the Neve design. They will sound nearly identical to original Neves, with the exception of their "newness" which gives them a little more top end, just as Neves have when they're new. Brent Averill - his clones are used as replacements for actual Neve modules in Neve consoles. A shade above $4k, depending on who racks it for you. Neve 1073 reissue - these will sound the most legit, because they ARE legit. It has been discussed here a bit already, but one very important plug, offered by the same Geoff Tanner who was mentioned above, says that the 7th Circle N72 is the only clone which "got it right." Quite a plug from an ex Neve guy. Build it yourself or have them do it, or a 3rd party.

neve 1073 preamp guitar center used

You buy the rack, then as many modules as you want. It's one of the better-sounding clones at any price, and it just happens to be one of the less expensive of any options. Look into this modular, expandable option.

Neve 1073 preamp guitar center used